Apple e pe locul 111 in GLOBAL 500 world’s largest corporations (most profitable)

Cine se afla in top 10?

….iata lista

  1. Nestlé 2010 Profits ($ millions) 32,843.0
  2. Gazprom 2010 Profits ($ millions) 31,894.5
  3. Exxon Mobil 2010 Profits ($ millions) 30,460.0
  4. Industrial & Commercial Bank of China 2010 Profits ($ millions) 24,398.2
  5. Royal Dutch Shell 2010 Profits ($ millions)  20,127.0
  6. China Construction Bank 2010 Profits ($ millions) 19,920.3
  7. AT&T 2010 Profits ($ millions) 19,864.0
  8. Petrobras 2010 Profits ($ millions)  19,184.0
  9. Chevron 2010 Profits ($ millions) 19,024.0
  10. Microsoft 2010 Profits ($ millions) 18,760.0

10 Secrets of Successful Leaders

Eleanor Roosevelt :

               “A good leader inspires people to have confidence in the leader, a great leader inspires people to have confidence in themselves.” 



1. Assemble a dedicated team. 
Your team needs to be committed to you and the business. Successful entrepreneurs have not only social and selling smarts, but also the know-how to hire effectively, says leadership trainer Harvey Mackay, who wrote Swim with the Sharks Without Being Eaten Alive (Ivy Books, 1995). “A colossal business idea simply isn’t enough. You have to be able to identify, attract and retain talent who can turn your concept into a register-ringing success,” he says.

When putting your team together, look for people whose values are aligned with the purpose and mission of your company. Suzanne Bates, a Wellesley, Mass.-based leadership consultant and author of Speak Like a CEO (McGraw Hill, 2005), says her team members rallied around each other during the worst part of the recession because they all believed in what they were doing. “Having people on your team who have tenacity and a candid spirit is really important,” she says.

2. Overcommunicate. 
This one’s a biggie. Even with a staff of only five or 10, it can be tough to know what’s going on with everyone. In an effort to overcommunicate, Bates compiles a weekly news update she calls a Friday Forecast, and emails it to her staff. “My team is always surprised at all the good news I send out each week,” Bates says. “It makes everyone feel like you really have a lot of momentum, even in difficult times.”

3. Don’t assume.
When you run a small business, you might assume your team understands your goals and mission – and they may. But, everybody needs to be reminded of where the company’s going and what things will look like when you get there. Your employees may ask, “What’s in it for me?” It’s important to paint that picture for your team. Take the time to really understand the people who are helping you build your business.

“Entrepreneurs have the vision, the energy, and they’re out there trying to make it happen. But, so often with their staff, they are assuming too much,” says Beverly Flaxington, founder of The Collaborative, a business-advising company in Medfield, Mass. “It’s almost like they think their enthusiasm by extension will be infectious – but it’s not. You have to bring people into your world and communicate really proactively.”

4. Be authentic.
Good leaders instill their personality and beliefs into the fabric of their organization, Flaxington says. If you be yourself, and not try to act like someone else, and surround yourself with people who are aligned with your values, your business is more likely to succeed, she says.

“Every business is different and every entrepreneur has her own personality,” Flaxington says. “If you’re authentic, you attract the right people to your organization – employees and customers.”

5. Know your obstacles.
Most entrepreneurs are optimistic and certain that they’re driving toward their goals. But, Flaxington says, it’s a short-sighted leader who doesn’t take the time to understand his obstacles.

“You need to know what you’re up against and be able to plan around those things,” she says. “It’s folly to think that just because you’ve got this energy and enthusiasm that you’re going to be able to conquer all. It’s much smarter to take a step back and figure out what your obstacles are, so the plan that you’re putting into place takes that into account.”

6. Create a ‘team charter.’
Too many new teams race down the road before they even figure out who they are, where they’re going, and what will guide their journey, says Ken Blanchard, co-author of The One-Minute Manager (William Morrow & Co., 1982) and founder of The Ken Blanchard Cos., a workplace- and leadership-training firm. Just calling together a team and giving them a clear charge does not mean the team will succeed.

“It’s important to create a set of agreements that clearly states what the team is to accomplish, why it is important and how the team will work together to achieve the desired results,” says Blanchard, who is based in Escondido, Calif. “The charter provides a record of common agreements and can be modified as the business grows and the team’s needs change.”

7. Believe in your people. 
Entrepreneurial leaders must help their people develop confidence, especially during tough times. As Napoleon Bonaparte said, „Leaders are dealers in hope.” That confidence comes in part from believing in your team, says Maxwell, who is based in West Palm Beach, Fla. “I think of my people as 10s, I treat them like 10s, and as a result, they try to perform like 10s,” he says. “But believing in people alone isn’t enough. You have to help them win.”

8. Dole out credit.
Mackay says a good salesperson knows what the sweetest sound in the world is: The sound of their name on someone else’s lips. But too many entrepreneurs think it’s either the crinkle of freshly minted currency, or the dull thud of a competitor’s body hitting the pavement.

“Many entrepreneurs are too in love with their own ideas and don’t know how to distribute credit,” Mackay says. “A good quarterback always gives props to his offensive line.”

9. Keep your team engaged. 
Great leaders give their teams challenges and get them excited about them, says leadership expert Stephen Covey, author of The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People (Free Press, 1989). He pointed to the example of a small pizza shop in a moderate-sized town that was killing a big fast-food chain in sales. The big difference between the chain and the small pizza joint was the leader, he says.

Every week he gathered his teenage employees in a huddle and excitedly asked them: “What can we do this week that we’ve never done before?” The kids loved the challenge. They started texting all their friends whenever a pizza special was on. They took the credit-card machine to the curb so passing motorists could buy pizza right off the street. They loaded up a truck with hot pizzas and sold them at high-school games. The money poured in and the store owner never had problems with employee turnover, says Covey, who is based in Salt Lake City, Utah.

10. Stay calm.
An entrepreneur has to backstop the team from overreacting to short-term situations, says Mackay, who is based in Minneapolis. This is particularly important now, when news of the sour economic environment is everywhere.

Mijloace de plata utilizate in comertul international

In procesul de decontare internaţională intervin, ca în orice tip de decontare, foarte multe riscuri care pot fi reduse sau eliminate în funcţie de metoda de plată utilizată.
De aceea, sunt foarte importante, atât pentru importator, cât şi pentru exportator alegerea modalităţii de plată pe care o vor utiliza, precum şi detalierea lor în contractul de vânzare – cumpărare internaţională.
În comerţul internaţional se cunosc patru metode de plată şi anume:
ƒ Plata în avans;
ƒ Contul deschis (open account);
ƒ Incasso-ul documentar;
ƒ Acreditivul documentar.
 Plata în avans
În baza acestei metode de plată, importatorul va plăti exportatorului contravaloarea mărfurilor sale înainte ca exportatorul să le livreze.

Această metodă de plată poate fi asimilată unei operaţiuni de creditare – credit acordat de importator exportatorului. De aceea, fiind o operaţiune de creditare, importatorul poate solicita exportatorului şi plata unei dobânzi.
Această metodă este foarte folosotoare exportatorului.
În practică, este un lucru comun ca în baza unui contract de vânzarecumpărare să se solicite o plată parţială în avans.
Exemplu: în contractul încheiat între cei doi parteneri se poate stipula următoarea schemă de plată: – 20% plătibili la semnarea contractului, iar restul de 80% plătibili după livrarea mărfii, utilizând una din cele trei
metode de plată menţionate anterior.
Altă schemă de plată ar putea fi: 30% plătibili în avans şi 70% după livrarea mărfii.
Riscurile exportatorului:

  • mărfurile pot fi specializate şi dacă importatorul
  • anulează comanda înaintea efectuării plăţii, exportatorul nu poate vinde foarte uşor marfa.

Riscurile importatorului:

  • ƒ Uneori, exportatorul nu trimite marfa;
  • ƒ Documentele pot fi întocmite greşit;
  • ƒ Mărfurile sunt trimise cu întârziere sau la o destinaţie greşită.
  • Această metodă de plată se utilizează în special între parteneri vechi, care au
  • la bază o perioadă îndelungată de afaceri.

Avantaje pentru importator:

  • ƒ Importatorul are un control asupra decontării;
  • ƒ Inspectarea mărfii se face înainte ca plata să se efectueze.

Open account (contul deschis)
În momentul în care cei doi parteneri, cumpărătorul şi vânzătorul, cad de accord sa utilizeze ca metodă de decontare contul deschis, vânzătorul va livra marfa sa cumpărătorului şi îi va trimite şi factura, solicitând efectuarea plăţii. Vânzătorul îşi pierde controlul asupra mărfurilor cu cât le livrează mai repede. El are totuşi speranţa că marfa îi va fi platită de cumpărător, în concordanţă cu factura.

Contul deschis reprezintă cea mai simplă metodă de plată, dar în acelaşi timp şi foarte riscantă datorită faptului că exportatorul livrează marfa fărăefectuarea plăţii sau fără existenţa unei asigurări.

În ciuda acestora, majoritatea tranzacţiilor de comeţ internaţional continuăsă se deconteze în acest fel. Open account-ul are câteva avantaje care îl fac atractiv, atât pentru exportator, cât şi pentru importator, dar are, de asemenea şi dezavantaje.
Exportatorul solicită plata, protecţia mărfurilor până când ele vor fi plătite şi, poate, asistenţă financiară în perioada de intervenţie. Importatorul solicită, de asemenea, ca mărfurile să fie livrate la timp, la locul stabilit şi de calitatea stabilită şi, poate, cu o perioada de credit.
Avantajele exportatorului:

  • sunt puţine constrângeri cu privire la documentaţie, la termenul de transport şi la locul livrării, ceea ce o face atractivă ca metodă de decontare;
  •  din moment ce decontarea se efectuează prin intermediul sistemului bancar, exportatorului nu i se percep taxe.

Dezavantajele exportatorului:

  • nu există nici o garanţie de plată în cazul în care mărfurile se pierd;
  •  exportatorul este expus la riscuri politice, economice şi de ţară, dacă nu se iau măsuri de acoperire a acestor riscuri;
  • se poate întâmpla ca, uneori, întârzierile din sistemul bancar să întârzie procesul de transferare a fondurilor;

Avantajele importatorului:

  •  importatorul are controlul asupra termenului de decontare;
  •  inspectarea mărfurilor este posibilă înaintea efectuării plăţii.

Dezavantajele importatorului:

  •  importatorul are un control mic asupra detaliilor privind transportul şi termenului de primire al mărfurilor;
  • nu există un control asupra calităţii mărfurilor. În cazul în care se solicită documente speciale (certificate de origine), nu există garanţia căacestea vor fi primite

Incasso-ul documentar 

Părţile implicate în circuitul incasso-ului documentar sunt:
– exportatorul. Acesta este clientul care iniţiază operaţiunea de incasso/colectare pentru banca sa;
– banca remitentă sau banca exportatorului. Aceasta este banca spre care ordonatorul iniţiază operaţiunea de incasso;
– banca importatorului (colectoare). Aceasta este banca implicată în procesul de procesare a ordinului de incasso; este banca ce prezintă setul de documente trasului;
– trasul (importatorul). Acesta este singurul căruia i se prezintădocumentele în conformitate cu ordinul de incasso.

În baza prevederilor Regulilor Uniforme pentru Incasso (Uniform Rules for Collection), mânuirea documentelor de către bănci sau instrucţiunile primite contribuie la:

  • Š obţinerea acceptării şi/sau a plăţii, sau
  • Š furnizarea documentelor comerciale contra acceptare şi/sau contra plată sau furnizarea documentelor la termenele şi în condiţiile stabilite.

Această metodă de decontare acordă confort exportatorului care va expedia mărfurile şi apoi se va ocupa ca documentele de titlu şi ordinul de incasso să fie transmise băncii exportatorului. Documentele vor include o cambie trasă de exportator asupra importatorului pentru suma de bani încrisă în factură, sumă care va fi plătibilă la vedere sau la o dată fixă sau la o dată determinabilă în viitor (după dreptul britanic).
Documentele de titlu sunt de obicei trimise după cum urmează:
(a) exportatorul livrează marfa şi obţine documentele de titlu;
(b) exportatorul trimite documentele de titlu băncii sale împreună cu intrucţiunile;
(c) banca exportatorului trimite documentele de titlu băncii importatorului împreună cu instrucţiunea că documentele pot fi eliberate:

  •  la plată; sau
  • la acceptarea cambiei.

(d) La plata sau acceptarea cambiei, banca importatorului eliberează documentele de titlu astfel încât importatorul sa poată obţine mărfurile la sosirea acestora în ţara sa.
Se poate observa că, în cazul acestei metode, exportatorul îşi păstrează controlul asupra mărfurilor până când plata este efectuată.
Ca o concluzie, trebuie menţionat că incasso-ul documentar este o forma de a efectua plata şi de a asigura plata prin intermediul băncilor, iar documentele implicate în derularea tranzacţiilor vor fi furnizate în anumite termene şi condiţii.

După cum s-a putut observa, în cazul incasso-ului documentar tranzacţiile se efectuează pe baza următoarelor documente:
– Documente contra Plată (D/P). Exportatorul preia mărfuri pentru a le expedia, iar banca colectoare livrează documentele importatorului în schimbul plăţii sale imediate (la vedere).
– Documente contra Acceptare (D/A). Exportatorul preia mărfurile pentru a le expedia, iar banca colectoare furnizează numai documentele contra acceptarea unei cambii emise de tras (importator).

Există un cod de practici şi proceduri care guvernează termenii utilizaţi şi procedurile care trebuie urmate de către toate părţile implicate în incasso-ul documentar. Camera Internaţională de Comerţ si Industrie de la Paris a emis un astfel de cod cunoscut sub numele de Normele Uniforme pentru Incasso nr. 522 (Uniform Rules for Collections). Aceste reguli cuprind drepturile şi obligaţiile părţilor, precum şi lucruri legate de prezentare, plată, acceptare, bilet la ordin, protest, protejarea mărfurilor, taxe şi speze bancare etc.

Avantajele exportatorului:

  •  această metodă este mai puţin scumpă decât un acreditiv documentar.

Dezavantajele exportatorului:

  •  dacă documentele contra acceptare (D/A) sunt acordate importatorului,
  • controlul mărfurilor se pierde odată ce cambia a fost acceptată.

Avantajele importatorului:

  •  o perioadă de credit poate fi obţinută prin utilizarea unei cambii la termen sau a unui bilet la ordin;
  •  exportatorul va fi însarcinat cu plata taxelor;
  •  este mai convenabil şi mai puţin scump decât un acreditiv documentar

Dezavantajele importatorului:

  •  plata sau acceptarea este cerută la prezentare atunci când documentele comerciale au sosit la banca colectoare şi înaintea sosirii mărfurilor;
  •  dacă a fost acceptată cambia, importatorul este responsabil legal în ciuda oricăror clauze din contract cu privire la mărfurile cu defecte;
  • nu există nici o garanţie că mărfurile vor fi primite aşa cum s-a făcut comanda sau la timp.

Ce afaceri fac romanii?

Cea mai mare cifra de afaceri a fost inregistrata de companiile cu activitati in comert, de 356,8 miliarde lei, potrivit datelor publicate vineri de Institutul National de Statistica. Cel mai mare numar mediu de salariati a fost in industrie, desi tot aici gasim si cel mai mic numar de companii active, numai 11,4% din total .

Comparativ cu anul 2009 numarul total de intreprinderi a scazut cu 9,5%, la 470.080. Dintre acestea, 39,4% prestau servicii, 38,7% comert, 11,4% aveau activitati in industrie si 10,5% in constructii.

In ceea ce priveste cifra de afaceri, ponderea cea mai mare a fost detinuta de intreprinderile cu activitate principala de comert (39,5%), in timp ce la polul opus s-au situat firmele din constructii, cu doar 8,1% (72,8 miliarde lei). Totodata, locul doi si trei sunt ocupate de industrie, cu 35,6% (322,2 miliarde lei), si de servicii, cu 16,8% (152 miliarde lei).

In schimb, companiile din sectorul industrial au detinut in 2010 cea mai mare pondere in ceea ce priveste numarul mediu de salariati (36,1%, 1,34 milioane de angajati), urmate de cele din servicii (30,7%, 1,14 milioane). In comert erau anul trecut in medie 843.752 (22,6%) salariati, iar in constructii 393.339 (10,6%) persoane.

Structura investitiilor in cadrul sectoarelor se prezinta astfel: industrie 44,9% (41,3 miliarde lei), constructii14% (12,86 miliarde lei), comert 13,9% (12,85 miliarde lei), iar servicii 27,2% (25 miliarde lei).

Profitul a inregistrat valori pozitive in industrie (6 miliarde lei), constructii (un miliard lei) si comert (248 milioane lei), sectorul servicii fiind singurul care a inregistrat valori negative (-1,56 miliarde lei).


Sursa: ImpactNews

Successful people reach their goals not simply because of who they are , but more often because of what they do

Here are the Ten Things Successful People Do Differently :

1. Get specific. When you set yourself a goal, try to be as
specific as possible. „Lose 5 pounds” is a better goal than
„lose some weight,” because it gives you a clear idea of what
success looks like. Knowing exactly what you want to achieve
keeps you motivated until you get there. Also, think about the
specific actions that need to be taken to reach your goal. Just
promising you’ll „eat less” or „sleep more” is too vague — be
clear and precise. „I’ll be in bed by 10pm on weeknights”
leaves no room for doubt about what you need to do, and
whether or not you’ve actually done it.
2. Seize the moment to act on your goals. Given how busy
most of us are, and how many goals we are juggling at once,
it’s not surprising that we routinely miss opportunities to act
on a goal because we simply fail to notice them. Did you
really have no time to work out today? No chance at any
point to return that phone call? Achieving your goal means
grabbing hold of these opportunities before they slip through
your fingers.
To seize the moment, decide when and where you will take
each action you want to take, in advance. Again, be as
specific as possible (e.g., „If it’s Monday, Wednesday, or
Friday, I’ll work out for 30 minutes before work.”) Studies
show that this kind of planning will help your brain to detect
and seize the opportunity when it arises, increasing your chances of success by roughly 300%.
3. Know exactly how far you have left to go. Achieving any goal also requires honest and
regular monitoring of your progress — if not by others, then by you yourself. If you don’t know how
well you are doing, you can’t adjust your behavior or your strategies accordingly. Check your
progress frequently — weekly, or even daily, depending on the goal.

4. Be a realistic optimist. When you are setting a goal, by all means engage in lots of positive
thinking about how likely you are to achieve it. Believing in your ability to succeed is enormously
helpful for creating and sustaining your motivation. But whatever you do, don’t underestimate how
difficult it will be to reach your goal. Most goals worth achieving require time, planning, effort, and
persistence. Studies show that thinking things will come to you easily and effortlessly leaves you
ill-prepared for the journey ahead, and significantly increases the odds of failure.
5. Focus on getting better, rather than being good. Believing you have the ability to reach your
goals is important, but so is believing you can get the ability. Many of us believe that our
intelligence, our personality, and our physical aptitudes are fixed — that no matter what we do, we
won’t improve. As a result, we focus on goals that are all about proving ourselves, rather than
developing and acquiring new skills.
Fortunately, decades of research suggest that the belief in fixed ability is completely wrong —
abilities of all kinds are profoundly malleable. Embracing the fact that you can change will allow you
to make better choices, and reach your fullest potential. People whose goals are about getting
better, rather than being good, take difficulty in stride, and appreciate the journey as much as the
6. Have grit. Grit is a willingness to commit to long-term goals, and to persist in the face of
difficulty. Studies show that gritty people obtain more education in their lifetime, and earn higher
college GPAs. Grit predicts which cadets will stick out their first grueling year at West Point. In
fact, grit even predicts which round contestants will make it to at the Scripps National Spelling Bee.
The good news is, if you aren’t particularly gritty now, there is something you can do about it.
People who lack grit more often than not believe that they just don’t have the innate abilities
successful people have. If that describes your own thinking …. well, there’s no way to put this
nicely: you are wrong. As I mentioned earlier, effort, planning, persistence, and good strategies are
what it really takes to succeed. Embracing this knowledge will not only help you see yourself and
your goals more accurately, but also do wonders for your grit.
7. Build your willpower muscle. Your self-control „muscle” is just like the other muscles in your
body — when it doesn’t get much exercise, it becomes weaker over time. But when you give it
regular workouts by putting it to good use, it will grow stronger and stronger, and better able to
help you successfully reach your goals.
To build willpower, take on a challenge that requires you to do something you’d honestly rather not
do. Give up high-fat snacks, do 100 sit-ups a day, stand up straight when you catch yourself
slouching, try to learn a new skill. When you find yourself wanting to give in, give up, or just not
bother — don’t. Start with just one activity, and make a plan for how you will deal with troubles
when they occur („If I have a craving for a snack, I will eat one piece of fresh or three pieces of
dried fruit.”) It will be hard in the beginning, but it will get easier, and that’s the whole point. As your
strength grows, you can take on more challenges and step-up your self-control workout.
8. Don’t tempt fate. No matter how strong your willpower muscle becomes, it’s important to
always respect the fact that it is limited, and if you overtax it you will temporarily run out of steam.
Don’t try to take on two challenging tasks at once, if you can help it (like quitting smoking and
dieting at the same time). And don’t put yourself in harm’s way — many people are overly-confident
in their ability to resist temptation, and as a result they put themselves in situations where
temptations abound. Successful people know not to make reaching a goal harder than it already is.
9. Focus on what you will do, not what you won’t do. Do you want to successfully lose weight,
quit smoking, or put a lid on your bad temper? Then plan how you will replace bad habits with good
ones, rather than focusing only on the bad habits themselves. Research on thought suppression
(e.g., „Don’t think about white bears!”) has shown that trying to avoid a thought makes it even more
active in your mind. The same holds true when it comes to behavior — by trying not to engage in a
bad habit, our habits get strengthened rather than broken.
If you want change your ways, ask yourself, What will I do instead? For example, if you are trying
to gain control of your temper and stop flying off the handle, you might make a plan like „If I am
starting to feel angry, then I will take three deep breaths to calm down.” By using deep breathing
as a replacement for giving in to your anger, your bad habit will get worn away over time until it
disappears completely.

10. Review and celebrate successes, even small ones.

This is a discipline of regularly, say weekly, listing all the small steps you took that worked well or that you are pleased about. One problem with highly motivated people, in my experience, is that nothing they do is ever good enough, so they are always beating themselves for what they haven’t managed to get done yet, while they are actually getting a lot more done than most people. To avoid getting discouraged, I think it helps to rigorously list all the positive steps you have taken. We need a sense of making progress, not just a feeling that there is so much more to do.

Types of Letter of Credit

They all serve the same objective, i.e. a document
authorizing a bank, at the request of a customer, to pay money to a
third party (the beneficiary) on presentation of documents specified
in the bill of lading and policies of insurance. The different types
of Letter of Credit can be categorized as follows:

1. Confirmed Letter of Credit
Letter of Credit, issued by a foreign bank, with validity confirmed by
a bank of origin. A seller who requires a confirmed Letter of Credit
from the buyer is assured of payment by the origin bank even if the
foreign buyer or the foreign bank defaults.

2. Deferred Payment Credit
Type of Letter of Credit providing for payment some time after
presentation of the shipping documents by seller.

3. Discrepancy Letter of Credit
When documents presented do not conform to the Letter of Credit, it is
referred to as a „discrepancy”.

4. Documentary Credit
Commercial Letter of Credit providing for payment by a bank to the
name beneficiary, usually the seller of merchandise, against delivery
of documents specified in the credit.

5. Irrevocable Letter of Credit
Letter of Credit with a fixed expiration date that carries the
irrevocable obligation of the issuing bank to pay the exporter when
all of the terms and conditions of the Letter of Credit have been

6. Red Clause Letter of Credit
Letter of Credit that allows the exporter to receive a percentage of
the face value of the Letter of Credit in advance of shipment. This
enables the exporter to purchase inventory and any other costs
associated with producing and preparing the export order.

7. Revocable Letter of Credit
Letter of Credit that can be cancelled or altered by the Drawee
(buyer) after it has been issued by the Drawee’s bank

8. Transferable Letter of Credit
Letter of Credit that allows all or a portion of the proceeds to be
transferred from the original beneficiary to one or more additional

9. Letter of Credit, Payment by sight draft
Document, issued by a bank per instructions by a buyer of goods,
authorizing the seller to draw a specified terms, usually the receipt
by the bank of certain documents within a given time.